Dances of Fashionable Society – book with 2 CDs


The material in this book was researched by Ellis Rogers, assisted by Christine Rogers. It was originally prepared for their teaching at the Historical Dance Society’s summer schools in 1997, 2001 and 2004. For this new book they have re-visited the dances and selected Ellis’s favourites. The hope is that they will enthuse dancers to follow in his footsteps and pass them on to others.

There are 122 pages including an introduction by Ellis Rogers. He has written sections on manners in the ballroom, definition of terms used in France, along with separate sections on cotillons, quadrilles, country dances, couple dances and a solo dance. There is also a comprehensive bibliography.

Two CDs accompany the book and are fixed to the back cover. They contain the 43 tracks listed below, two of which have been newly recorded. (Pain’s quadrille is from Green Ginger’s 2001 recording. A more recent recording can be found on and

CD 1

1 Le Jardin Enchanté GG
2 Les Quatre Nymphes GG
3 La Graziosetta GG
4 La Nouvelle Carelle EQ
Pain’s First Set of Quadrilles:
5 Pantalon GG
6 L’Eté GG
7 La Poule GG
8 La Trenis GG
9 Pastourelle GG
10 Finalé GG
Duval’s 2nd Set of Quadrilles “Les Lanciers”:
11 La Dorset EQ
12 La Ladoiska EQ
13 La Native EQ
14 Les Graces EQ
15 Les Lanciers EQ
Wilson’s Royal Scotch Quadrilles:
16 He’s Aye Kissing Me (reel) GG
17 Lady Elizabeth Cole’s Reel (jig) GG
18 The Duchess of Buccleugh (reel) GG
19 Major James Munro’s Strathspey GG
20 Col.Upton’s Merry conceit (jig) GG


1 La Belle Euridice SM
Cellarius’ second Mazurka Quadrilles:
2 First Quadrille SM
3 Second Quadrille SM
4 Third Quadrille SM
5 Fourth Quadrille SM
6 Fifth Quadrille + finale SM
Beseda Quadrille:
7 Section 1 SM
8 Section 2 SM
9 Section 3 SM
10 Section 4 SM
11 The Lord Wellington EQ
12 The Prince of Wales Waltz AB
13 The Regent’s Favourite MC
14 The Merry Wives of Westminster GG
15 Mungo’s Delight GG
16 The Duchess of Devonshire’s Reel GG
17 The Attempt SM
18 La Boulangère AB
19 Mona’s Delight SM
20 Polonaise (couples in procession) NM
21 Five-step Waltz (a couple dance) SM
22 Zulma l’Orientale (a couple dance) SM
23 La Cachucha (a solo, suitable for a lady) SM

Credits and year of recording

EQ The English Quadrille Wind Band 1997
GG Green Ginger: Cas Sloan (keyboard), Meryl Thomson (violin & piano), Ian Thomson (violin) 2001
AB Adam Burnett (fortepiano) 1997
SM Stuart Marsden (piano) 2004
MC Norman MacSween (piano), Ian Cutts (violin) 2022
NM Norman MacSween (piano) 2022

Note that if digital download is selected, the book is supplied in PDF format and the CDs are supplied in MP3 format.

All rights reserved, public performance or broadcasting without permission is prohibited. When used for teaching, recognition must be given to The Historical Dance Society. ℗ & © 2023 The Historical Dance Society