Historical Dance – The Journal of HDS (ISSN 0261-0965)
Historical Dance publishes articles, notes and book reviews related to European dance from the fifteenth century to the nineteenth as recorded in contemporary sources, in accordance with the objectives of the HDS. It is intended for dance researchers, teachers and dancers.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
- transcriptions and translations of source material
- choreographic and other analyses of source material
- realisations of dances
as well as articles on related subjects, such as:
- early music, especially dance music
- drama, especially dance-drama
- costume, especially as related to dance
- cultural history.
All papers submitted for publication are reviewed by at least one member of the Editorial Advisory Committee or other suitably qualified reviewer. Acceptance is conditional upon a favourable report from the reviewer(s).
David Parsons
Editorial Advisory Committee
- Professor Theresa Buckland
- Dr Anne Daye, HDS Director of Education and Research
- Dr Jennifer Nevile
- Jennifer Thorp
Articles and reviews
All articles from Volume 1, Number 8, 1978 onwards are available to download, unless this is prevented by third-party copyright restrictions.
Guide for authors
Submissions and correspondence on editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor. Authors are advised to read our guidelines before submitting manuscripts. The acceptance of articles for publication is conditional upon a favourable reviewer’s report.
Open Access
From 2012 we have adopted an open access publication policy for Historical Dance. Once a paper has been reviewed, accepted and edited, it will be given volume, part and page numbers, then published on the web site. When sufficient papers have accumulated, an issue will be printed for distribution to HDS members, the copyright libraries and others. Until then, papers may be cited as ‘published online’, giving the date when they appeared.
We have adopted this approach to reduce the delays between papers being accepted and becoming available to readers. The criteria for accepting papers remain unchanged.
From Volume 4, Number 3 (2018) onwards, authors retain copyright of their papers, which will be published under a Creative Commons licence (with the exception of the reproduction of illustrations under licence from other organisations). The copyright of older papers remains the property of the society.
We do not charge authors or readers for on-line publication or access, though authors continue to be responsible for the cost of suitable originals and reproduction permissions for any source material reproduced in their papers.
Subscriptions and back issues
Historical Dance is distributed free of charge to all members of the HDS. As an occasional publication, regular subscriptions are not practical; libraries wishing to receive issues as they appear should contact the Secretary.