Historical Dance Volume 3

Historical Dance masthead

Historical Dance – The Journal of HDS (ISSN 0261-0965)

The opinions expressed in articles and reviews are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor of Historical Dance or the committee of HDS.

Volume 3, Number 6, 1999

Dance Steps and Music in the Gresley Manuscript

Jennifer Nevile   Page 2-19

Performing Gresley Dances: the View from the Floor

David Wilson   Page 20-22

The “London” Dupré

Moira Goff   Page 23-26

On the Setting of Music to the 15th Century Italian Dances

Basil Lewin   Page 27-29

Volume 3, Number 5, 1998

Viganò, the Coreodramma and the Language of Gesture

Giannandrea Poesio   Page 3-8

Resources for the Study of 19th Century Social Dance

Ellis Rogers   Page 9-12

‘Sò ben mi chi ha buon tempo’ by Cesare Negri

David R. Wilson   Page 13-16

Belinda Quirey

Diana Scrivener   Page 17

Volume 3, Number 4, 1996

Masquerade for the pike

Judy Smith and Ian Gatiss   Page 2-4

‘Youthful Revels, Masks, and Courtly Sights’: an introductory study of the revels within the Stuart masque

Anne Daye   Page 5-22

Volume 3, Number 3, 1994

Taste and ingenuity: three English chaconnnes of the early eighteenth century

Jennifer Thorp and Ken Pierce   Page 3-16

Dancing-masters in early eighteenth-century London

Moira Goff   Page 17-23

A further look at the Nancy basse dances

David Wilson   Page 24-28

The Old Measures and the Inns of Court: a note

David Wilson   Page p 28

Volume 3, Number 2, 1993

Costume for masques and other entertainments c1500-1650

Janet Arnold   Page 3-20

‘Finita: et larifaccino unaltra uolta dachapo’

David Wilson   Page 21-26

Caranto Dyspayne

Ann Kent   Page 27-31

Volume 3, Number 1, 1992

‘La giloxia’/’Gelosia’ as described by Domenico and Guglielmo

David Wilson   Page 3-9

Doppii suxo uno piede or contrapassi in quadernaria misura

Diana Cruickshank   Page 11-13

Baixa dansa in the kingdom of Catalonia and Aragon in the 15th century

Carles Mas i Garcia   Page 15-23

The natural magic of Marsilio Ficino

Angela Voss   Page 25-30