Historical Dance – The Journal of HDS (ISSN 0261-0965)
The opinions expressed in articles and reviews are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor of Historical Dance or the committee of HDS.
Volume 4, Number 5
Music and Movement – Music and Dancing – Dancing, Movement and Music
Nathalie Dolmetsch (transcribed by Anne Daye) Page 3–4
Nathalie Dolmetsch (1905–1989)
Anne Daye Page 5–11
Book reviews
The Gentleman Dancing-Master: Mr Isaac and the English Royal Court from Charles II to Queen Anne by Jennifer Thorp. Clemson University Press: Studies in British Musical Cultures (Hardback), Clemson, SC,
Reviewed by Ken Pierce
Volume 4, Number 4, 2022
Dance for early Australian convicts: Discovering a lost culture
Heather Blasdale Clarke Page 3–9
A recently discovered ballet for the court of Wolfenbüttel
Carola Finkel Page 11–16
Mistresses of Dancing-schools in Edinburgh, 1755 to 1814
Olive Baldwin and Thelma Wilson Page 17–23
The Cotillon: its origins, development and demise
Anne Daye Page 25–38
Book reviews
Dancing Queen: Marie de Médicis’ Ballets at the Court of Henri IV by Melinda J. Gough. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, 2019
Reviewed by Anne Daye
Footprints of the Dance: an Early Seventeeth-Century Dance Master’s Notebook by Jennifer Nevile. Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2018
Reviewed by Anne Daye
Volume 4, Number 3, 2018
La Feste de Chantilly and the dances of Guillaume-Louis Pécour, August 1688
Jennifer Thorp Page 3–9
The Pavana in the Choregraphie figurativa, y demostrativa del Arte de Danzar, en la forma Española by Nicolás Rodrigo Noveli (Madrid, 1708): its contextualization and comparative study with the Spanish sources of the 17th and 18th centuries
Diana Campóo Schelotto Page 10–26
English Measures Old and New: Dulwich College MS. XCIV/f.28
Anne Daye & Jennifer Thorp Page 27–40
Book reviews
Sur quel pied danser? Danse et littérature. Actes du colloque organisé par Hélène Stafford, Michael Freeman et Edward Nye en avril 2003 à Lincoln College, Oxford by Edward Nye (editor). Rodopi BV, Amsterdam/New York, 2005
Reviewed by Moira Goff
A Dance Through Time: Images of Western Social Dancing from the Middle Ages to Modern Times by Jeremy Barlow (editor). Bodleian Library, Oxford, 2012
Reviewed by Moira Goff
Decorum of the Minuet, Delirium of the Waltz: A Study of Dance-Music Relations in ¾ Time by Eric McKee. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 2012
Reviewed by Jeremy Barlow
The Basse Dance Handbook: Text and Context by David Wilson. Pendragon Press, Hillsdale, NY, 2012
Reviewed by Anne Daye
The Lively Arts of the London Stage, 1675–1725 by Kathryn Lowerre (editor). Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey; Burlington, VT, 2013
Reviewed by Ken Pierce
Singing Simpkin and other Bawdy Jigs: Musical Comedy on the Shakespearean Stage by Roger Clegg and Lucie Skeaping. University of Exeter Press, 2014
Reviewed by Bill Tuck
Volume 4, Number 2, 2012
Desnoyer, Charmer of the Georgian Age
Moira Goff Page 3–10
The ‘Passacaille of Armide’ Revisited: Rhetorical Aspects of Quinault’s / Lully’s tragédie en musique
Kimiko Okamoto Page 11–18
‘The power of his commanding trident’: Tethys Festival as royal policy
Anne Daye Page 19–28
Choreography and Meaning in Renaissance Danced Spectacles: A Catalyst for Discussion
Jennifer Nevile Page 29–33
Book reviews
Royal Swedish Ballet: History from 1592 to 1962 by Marina Grut. Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 2007
Reviewed by Jennifer Thorp
Barocktanz: La Danse baroque: Baroque Dance and the Transfer of Culture between France and Germany around 1700 by Stephanie Schroedter, Marie-Thérèse Mourey, Giles Bennett (editors). Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 2008
Reviewed by Jennifer Thorp
Dance and its Music in America by Kate Van Winkle Keller. Pendragon Press, Hillsdale, New York. 2007
Reviewed by Chrystelle Bond
Mr Noverre’s Academy: A Georgian Dancing Master in Norwich by Marsh, Maggie. Norwich Early Dance Group/Running Angel, Norwich 2005
Reviewed by Moira Goff
The Menuet de la Cour by Tilden Russell and Dominique Bourassa. Terpsichore. Tanzhistorische Studien. Band 4. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, 2007
Reviewed by Moira Goff
Black Dance in London, 1730 – 1850 by Rodreguez King-Dorset. McFarland & Co., Jefferson, NC, 2008
Dance and Dancers in the Victorian and Edwardian Music Hall Ballet by Alexandra Carter. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005.
Reviewed by Anne Daye
Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250–1750 by Jennifer Nevile (editor). Indiana University Press, Bloomington,
Ballet de la Nuit by Michael Burden and Jennifer Thorp (editors). Pendragon Press, Hillsdale, NY, 2009
Reviewed by Anne Daye
Volume 4, Number 1, 2004
The Banqueting House, Whitehall: a site specific to dance
Anne Daye Page 3–22
‘Corona’, a bassa danza ala fila by Domenico
David Wilson Page 23–28
Language in fifteenth-century Italian dance descriptions
David Wilson Page 29–32
Book reviews
The Almain in Britain, c.1549 – c.1675: a dance manual from manuscript sources by Ian Payne. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2003
Reviewed by David Wilson
The Dancing Master by Pierre Rameau, translated by Cyril Beaumont. Dance Books, Alton, 2003
Reviewed by Jennifer Thorp
Letters on Dancing and Ballets by Jean-Georges Noverre, translated by Cyril Beaumont. Dance Books, Alton, 2004
Reviewed by Moria Goff