Una Festivita 1500: Dances at a Northern Italian Court c.1500 – Book and CD


This listing is for the book and CD. The 62 page book contains an introduction to the context and the sources for 15th century Italian dances, description of the steps, realisation of the dances, and music notations in 4 part arrangements. Written by Hazel Dennison, Jackie Marshall-Ward and Judy Smith. Music arranged by Glynne Parry and Ian Gatiss.

The music on the CD was performed by The Bedford Waits: Paul Crosby, Glynne Parry, Tom Sherwood and Barbara Stanley.

Note that if the digital download option is selected, the CD tracks are supplied in MP3 format.

Book Contents: 1. Nobile, 2. Febus, 3. Fraza Mignion Franzesse, 4. Chastelana, 5. La Vita di Cholino, 6. Fortunosa, 7. Gioioso Spangnuolo, 8. Fodra, 9. Gioioso in Tre, 10. Bassa Franzesse, 11. Lauro, 12. La Graziosa, 13. Diamante, 14. Corona, 15. Tangelosa, 16. Gioia, 17. Gianzometa, 18. Amoroso Isghuardo, 19. Zoglioxa

CD tracklist

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