Si Puo Ballare: a selection of dances from 15th century Italy – Book and CD


Si Puo Ballare
A selection of Dances from 15th century Italy

Si Puo Ballare is a compilation of dances researched and realised by Hazel Dennison, and placed in a choreographic and cultural context, with diagrams by Paul Kent and step descriptions. There are some music scores.  All dances in the book have music on the accompaning CD.

The accompanying CD contains previously published music from other HDS CDs and some specially recorded tracks.
Note that if the digital download option is selected, the CD tracks are supplied in MP3 format.

CD track list:

Tracks 1-7 recorded by Alta 1992; tracks 8-13 recorded by Sirinu 1995; track 14 recorded by The Bedford Waits 2000; track 15 recorded by Mediva 2011; track 16 recorded by Engelsholm Strings 2010;  track 17 recorded by P. Greener and D. Guyatt 2016.

All rights reserved, public performance or broadcasting without permission is prohibited. When used for teaching, recognition must be given to The Historical Dance Society. ℗ & © 2017 The Historical Dance Society